Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, nóvember 2009
Úrslit næturinnar
9.11.2009 | 14:49
Íþróttir | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:51 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Úrslit næturinnar
8.11.2009 | 17:58
Denver Nuggets 100 - 125 Atlanta Hawks
Boston Celtics 86 - 76 New Jersey Nets
Charlotte Bobcats 90 - 93 Chicago Bulls
Toronto Raptors 101 - 129 Dallas Mavericks
New York Knicks 87 - 102 Milwaukee Bucks
Sacramento Kings 104 - 99 Utah Jazz
Memphis Grizzlies 110 - 113 Los Angeles Clippers
Heimalið undirstrikuð - Sigurlið í rauðu
Íþróttir | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Ný skoðanakönnun á
8.11.2009 | 09:30
Við höfum gert nýja skoðanakönnun hér á og er spurt um hverjir verða Íslandsmeistarar í ár. Hægt er að velja um nokkur lið, en auk þess getur maður gert Annað lið sem er ekki í könnuninni, en þá er það Tindastóll, ÍR, Breiðablik og fleiri, staða IE-deildarinnar er svona:
1. | Njarðvík | 5/0 | 10 |
2. | Stjarnan | 5/0 | 10 |
3. | Keflavík | 4/1 | 8 |
4. | KR | 4/1 | 8 |
5. | Snæfell | 3/2 | 6 |
6. | Hamar | 3/2 | 6 |
7. | Grindavík | 2/3 | 4 |
8. | ÍR | 2/3 | 4 |
9. | Tindastóll | 1/4 | 2 |
10. | Breiðablik | 1/4 | 2 |
11. | Fjölnir | 0/5 | 0 |
12. | FSu | 0/5 | 0 |
Íþróttir | Breytt 9.11.2009 kl. 16:10 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0) Iverson skips Clippers game
8.11.2009 | 09:16
Team owner Michael Heisley gave the four-time NBA scoring leader permission to skip the Grizzlies' game Saturday night against the Los Angeles Clippers following a 114-98 loss to the Lakers the night before.
According to a team spokesman, Iverson participated in a walkthrough at the team's hotel in the morning and then hopped a flight in the afternoon after he and personal manager Gary Moore met with Heisley.
Iverson has played in three games since returning from a hamstring injury, averaging 12.3 points, 3.7 assists and 22.3 minutes. Coach Lionel Hollins spoke to him briefly before he left, but would not elaborate on the conversation.
"It's a personal issue that they asked for permission to go attend to," Hollins said. "It was granted, and it's indefinite. I have no other information."
Iverson played 21 minutes against the Lakers, making two of five shots and finishing with eight points and three assists. In the postgame dressing room, the 10-time All-Star reiterated his displeasure about coming off the bench for the first time in his 14-year career.
"It's something that I never did in my life, so obviously it's a big adjustment," he said. "I'm so tired of discussing that, talking about that, every single day. It's just not something that I want to discuss. That's something you've got to ask the coach. He makes all the decisions around here. Obviously, they signed me for a reason. They've been watching me play this game for 13 years, and they know what I do on the basketball court."
Iverson also acknowledged that he had become a distraction.
"When I hear anything about the Memphis Grizzlies, I don't hear you guys talk about anything other than the situation with me coming off the bench," he said Friday. "I mean, there's got to be something else with this team to talk about besides that. But I guess that sells a lot better than anything else when it comes to this team."
The worst part of his situation, Iverson said, was that he and Hollins have not discussed the situation in private.
"That's probably why it's at this point right now," Iverson said. "It's probably going to always be hard for me and him to see eye-to-eye, because we've never even talked to each other. Obviously that's what you do if you're trying to accomplish the same goal."
When asked before Saturday's game to respond, Hollins bluntly: "If Allen wants to talk to me, my door is open. I talk to him during the game before the game and after the game.
"I understand star power, and that's to be expected," Hollins added. "I wouldn't mind even talking about Allen's star power if it was about the game and his performance during the game, versus what Allen has said and what he will or won't do."
The Grizzlies used Marcus Williams as the backup point guard against the Clippers.
"It's the way we'd been going since training camp, until the last three games," Hollins said.
Asked if he had any timetable as to when Iverson might start for the Grizzlies, Hollins said: "I have no comment about that."
Íþróttir | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Úrslit næturinnar
7.11.2009 | 11:33
New Jersey - Philadelphia 94 - 97
Washington - Indiana 86 - 102
Atlanta - Charlotte 83 - 103
Detroit - Orlando 103 - 110
Denver - Miami 88 - 96
Phoenix - Boston 110 - 103
Milwaukee - Minnesota 87 - 72
Toronto - New Orleans 107 - 90
Cleveland - New York 100 - 91
Oklahoma - Houston 94 - 105
Memphis - Los Angeles 98 - 114
San Antonio - Portland 84 - 96
Los Angeles Clippers - Goldenstate 118 - 90
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Svakalegur leikur hjá Bulls og Cavs...
7.11.2009 | 11:32
...sem Bulls unnu, 8-85....
Íþróttir | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:33 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Hakim Warrick gæti endað á bekknum
5.11.2009 | 16:31
Hakim Warrick, leikmaður Milwaukee Bucks gæti lent á bekknum seinna á tímabilinu.
Warrick er með 13,3 stig, 0,3 varin skot og 6,5 fráköst að meðaltali í leik sem komið er en hann hefur byrjað á bekknum og komið inn á í 25-30 mínútur í leik, en þess er vænt að hann taki byrjunarliðssæti Kurt Thomas af honum og spili sem kraftframherji(PF). Hins vegar er hætta á að hann fari aftur á bekkinn eftir því sem líður á tímabilið ef hann nær sætinu.
Íþróttir | Breytt 7.11.2009 kl. 11:44 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Heimildarmynd LBJ komin í bíó
5.11.2009 | 15:26
Eins og flestir áhugamenn körfubolta vita, þá er LeBron James búinn að vera að vinna að heimildarmynd sinni um sig og fimm aðra leikmenn körfuboltaliðs menntaskóla í Akron, Ohio Þeir eru:
Dru Joyce, Romeo Travis og Sian Cotton.
Myndin ber nafnið More than a game og á að vera mjög góð, en á vefsíðu Sambíóanna kemur það fram að hún fái góða dóma.
Í kvöld verður sýning í Keflavík kl. 20.00 þar og er myndin í 105 mínútur, eða eina klukkustund og 45 mínútur sem er ágætis tími fyrir heimildarmynd. Myndin er einnig sýnd í Sambíóunum Álfabakka í Kópavogi, en þar verður hún sýnd á morgun á mörgum tímum og næstu daga.
Hægt er að nálgast meiri upplýsingar um myndina hér.
Íþróttir | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:28 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)