Rubio til Regal FC Barcelona

Ricky Rubio won't be coming to the NBA until 2011 at the earliest, sources told Monday.

Rubio and the Minnesota Timberwolves were informed late Monday night in Spain that Rubio's former club, DKV Joventut, had agreed to trade his rights to FC Barcelona.

Rubio will be able to get out of his Barcelona contract in the summer of 2011, when the fifth pick of last June's draft will be free to join Minnesota.

The news came as a blow to Wolves general manager David Kahn, who spent the past several days in Spain negotiating with officials from DKV Joventut, trying to present a worthy counteroffer to the one already on the table from Barcelona for the rights to the 18-year-old point guard.

Joventut had shown itself willing to accept a discount on Rubio's astronomical $8.11 million buyout, with FC Barcelona reportedly offering $5.28 million.

Rubio næstu tvö árin hjá Barcelona?! Ekki furða að hann vildi hvorki spila með gamla liði sínu Joventut, né Timberwolves og fór til Barcelona. Hann vildi örugglega vinna titil einhvers staðar :)

Rubio á Slam blaði.

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