Haywood segir Starbury vera hommi

,,At first it was cool, but after a while it just became disturbing. He’s on YouTube crying with no shirt on for no reason, sweating while his boy’s rubbing his shoulders. What’s that about? That’s like gay porn. I don’t understand it. He’s dancing to a song called ‘Barbie Doll,’ doing like stripper moves. I have no idea what’s going on with the guy, it’s almost like he’s trying to end his own career. There’s not a GM out there that would touch Marbury right now… Have you seen the ‘Barbie Doll’ clip? Click on YouTube and go to Barbie Doll. There’s no way any other professional athletes would wanna get dressed around this guy, because you gotta think something is a little, he’s swinging from both sides of the fence``, sagði Haywood.

Er þetta rétt hjá miðherja Washington Wizards? Hvað segið þið? Marbury mun líklega fara til Evrópu að spila ef hann vill spila einhvers staðar því að ekkert lið hefur boðið honum samning í NBA.

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Hrikalega er hann vitlaus

Kalli 20.8.2009 kl. 00:10

2 Smámynd: NBA-Wikipedia

já, hann er búinn að rústa ferlinum sínum

NBA-Wikipedia, 20.8.2009 kl. 09:51

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