Sixers guarantee Iverson's contract

Allen IversonThe Philadelphia 76ers guaranteed guard Allen Iverson's contract for the rest of the season on Tuesday.

The Sixers could have waited until Wednesday -- the final day -- to guarantee the remainder of his prorated one-year contract worth $1.3 million. Iverson was signed by the Sixers as a free agent on Dec. 3.

Philadelphia is 4-5 with Iverson in the lineup. The 34-year-old also sat out four games with arthritis in his left knee.

Iverson is averaging 15.7 points and 4.7 assists in 33 minutes a game.

"Since his arrival, Allen has done everything asked of him and has been an excellent teammate," Sixers general manager Ed Stefanski said in a statement before the Sixers faced the Washington Wizards on Tuesday night.

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Way yes yes whoo hoo ya hooh

Kalli 11.1.2010 kl. 21:57

2 Smámynd: NBA-Wikipedia

Þú ert óskiljanlegur Karl...

NBA-Wikipedia, 12.1.2010 kl. 14:36

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Kalli 28.1.2010 kl. 22:07

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