Þjálfari Rockets, Rick Adelman, fær framlengdan samning

With the Rockets ending the year surprisingly in the thick of playoff contention, Rockets owner Leslie Alexander said Thursday he was going to extend the contract of Rockets coach Rick Adelman in the coming weeks.

Adelman, whose winning percentage with the Rockets is better than any coach in franchise history, had gone into his third season with the Rockets in the final guaranteed of year of his contract, with the Rockets intending to address his contract situation in the off-season.

"I'm going to pick up his option," Alexander said. "We're going to do it soon, relatively soon."

"I think he's done a terrific job. He's taken a team that has lost two key starters and he melded the team and he's won. That's what we want here. He's very self-effacing. He only cares about — which I love — is the team and winning."

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