Garnett segist ekki eiga við hnévandamál að stríða

I don't have any knee problems. I don't have any knee problems. I'm not trying to get in depth with my injury and all that but the things are bothering me are secondary and not even primary. So I'm excited about that because it's nothing be strengthening the knee and playing again. You gotta remember, I have been out since what, March? I haven't done anything since then. I have just been rehabbing, strengthing. Nothing simulates basketball play. The pounding, the churning, the reactions, the stuff you have to react to in games you can't get that in trying to that with the rehab and the trainers and all that other stuff.

I feel really good, I wouldn't (BS) you guys if I was hurting I would tell you. I'm pretty straight up with everything that's going on with me. I feel good. I'm excited about how we are and I'm just trying to get my part together to make sure I'm ready for when we need to be like we need to be.

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