Cavs' West arrested in Maryland

 Cleveland Cavaliers guard Delonte West was arrested Thursday after officers pulled him over for speeding on a motorcycle while carrying two handguns and a shotgun in a guitar case.

Prince George's County police spokeswoman Sgt. Michelle Reedy said Friday the Cleveland Cavaliers player was arrested about 10 p.m. Thursday.

Reedy said West was riding a Can-Am Spyder motorcycle north on the Capital Beltway in Upper Marlboro when he cut off an officer, who pulled him over.

Police said a handgun was found in his pocket, another in his pant leg and a shotgun in a guitar case strapped to his back.

The 26-year-old West, who lives in Brandywine, was charged with speeding and weapons counts. Reedy said West was released on his own recognizance early Friday.

Cavaliers general manager Danny Ferry said the team was aware of the situation.

"We have been in communication with Delonte and his family," Ferry said in a statement. "We are gathering more information and will not have further comment until the appropriate time."


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