Daniels endanlega til Boston

The Boston Celtics have signed free agent guard Marquis Daniels.

Daniels is coming off the best of his six seasons, averaging career highs of 13.6 points and 4.6 rebounds in 54 games with the Indiana Pacers, 43 of them starts. The Celtics announced his signing on Tuesday.

The 28-year-old Daniels spent three seasons with Dallas before moving to Indiana. For his career, he is averaging 9.4 points in 351 games, including 109 starts.

At 6-feet-6, Daniels gives the Celtics a big guard to come off the bench. They already have 6-foot-1 Eddie House, known for his 3-point shooting, to substitute for starters Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo.

Daniels að styrkja Boston mikið þar á ferð, en gæti nú verið að hann muni dreifa svínaflensu um borgina?

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