Hornets halda Marks

The Hornets re-signed veteran center/forward Sean Marks, bringing their roster total to 14, one below the league maximum and a number the team carried all of last season.

Marks, who turned 34Sunday, is believed to have signed a one-year deal for the veteran minimum, which last season was about $1.045 million.

That figure has increased slightly since last season. Marks, who is not represented by an agent and did not return a telephone call seeking comment, played for that sum a year ago.

His signing comes nearly one year to the day he signed in 2008, on Aug. 28. A veteran who'll be entering his ninth season in the NBA, Marks played in a career-high 60 games last season with the Hornets.


Spurning hvort Hornets ætla ekki bara að fylla liðið sitt af svona lélegum leikmönnum.LoL

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