Mun Lee þrauka?

The agent for David Lee would not rule out the possibility of his client being an unsigned contract holdout when Knicks training camp opens Sept. 28. In the NBA, it is almost unheard-of for players of Lee's stature to be camp holdouts.

"I certainly hope not, but you have to have an agreement," agent Mark Bartelstein told The Post yesterday. "I never thought we'd be this far without a deal. It comes down to making a deal. You have to ask [team president] Donnie [Walsh]."

Einnig er Nate litli Robinson samningslas og ef þeir fá hann ekki er þörf fyrir þá að fá Ramon Sessions, en óljóst er hvort hann fari til Clips, NYK eða Bucks og ef þeir fá hvorugan af Robinson og Lee eru þeir í mjög svo djúpum eða hvað?

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